Vietnamese pho is a broth-based noodle soup beloved by people of all backgrounds. Often served with a protein, like beef, chicken, or shrimp, plenty of rice noodles, bok choy, and bean sprouts, pho is hearty, distinctive, and even addicting for some! Though nothing compares to authentically prepared Vietnamese pho, you can replicate the flavors of your favorite pho house with this quality Slow Cooker Chicken Pho recipe.
• 8 cups of chicken stock
• 2 skinless, bone-in chicken breasts
• 1 1/2 tablespoons of light brown sugar
• 2 tablespoons of fish sauce
• 1 cinnamon stick
• 10-star anise
• 2 1/2 inch piece fresh ginger, peeled and thinly sliced
• 6 cloves
• 6 ounces pho rice noodles
• 4-6 cups of bok choy, chopped
• 12 ounces bean sprouts
• 1 cup of fresh basil leaves
• 2 jalapeños
• 1 lime, quartered
1. Add brown sugar, fish sauce, cinnamon, star anise, ginger, and cloves to chicken stock. Place chicken breast meat down in crockpot and then pour stock over. Let chicken and stock cook in crockpot for 8-10 hours on low.
2. Remove chicken breasts from crockpot and set aside. Remove whole spices from broth. Add bok choy to the broth, turn crockpot to high and let cook for another 30 minutes.
3. While bok choy cooks, shred chicken, sliced jalapeños, and prep sprouts, basil, and lime for garnishing.
4. Just before bok choy is done (after about 20 minutes), add the rice noodles and shredded chicken back to the broth to finish cooking for the last 10 minutes.
5. Ladle soup into large bowls, adding bean sprouts, jalapeños, basil, and lime to taste. Top with sriracha, chili paste, and/or hoisin sauce, if desired.
Preparing the perfect meal for your family can be a challenge—to say the least. With delightful recipe suggestions from Oxford at Estonia Apartments in San Antonio, Texas, you all are sure to eat well every day of the week!